Every time you enter into worship think back to the threshing floor and allow the Lord to separate the things in your life that shouldn't be there anymore.
About Me

- Jenn
- I feel like my life is ever changing. I am in a place in my life where the sky is the limit. I know that the Lord has a perfect plan and design for my life and I am walking into that season. I am finally finished with school (Masters in PR) and I have no plans to ever return. God is up to something in my life and I am so excited!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Threshing Floor
Have you ever thought about the significance of the threshing floor in the bible? Tonight I was reading some out of the book of Ruth and in Ch. 3, Ruth goes and lays at the feet of Boaz on the threshing floor. I've heard this story many times before and I never really thought to look at the significance of the threshing floor. So I decided to do some research on it. Everywhere I looked i goes back to the relationship between the Bride and the Bridegroom. In Genesis it was used as a place of mourning, in 2 Samuel Uzzah was struck dead on it because he touched the Ark of Covenant, and then later on in 2 Samuel David built the temple on that same threshing floor. And of course in Ruth(3:7-9), it is where Ruth laid at Boaz' feet and she later became his wife. This is an example of the spiritual communion that we are to have with God. The threshing floor was also a place of worship, a place to separate the wheat from the chaff. When we enter the threshing floor to worship the Lord, we allow him to separate the wheat from the chaff in our own lives and allow Him to make the changes necessary.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My Declaration.
So this is for me more than anyone else who may read this.
I am sick and tired of letting the devil defeat me in so many areas of my life.
I am not alone, nor will I be alone for the rest of my life. I have people who love me and care for and about me. Just because I don't see them everyday, doesn't mean they aren't there.
I am beautiful. No matter what this crazy world may consider to be beautiful, I am beautiful. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. The Lord created me to be me. Weird quirks and all.
I refuse to allow the devil to lie to me anymore.
I refuse to be depressed or sad or let my emotions and feelings determine my attitude.
I am blessed beyond measure. No matter what my financial situation may be currently, I am blessed. I have a beautiful home, clothes on my back, and I definitely ain't hurting for food! (haha!)
The Lord is my strength. I will not be defeated. Right now, I may be a little wounded in battle, but the battle isn't over yet. I'm ready to fight now. I want to fight back and hard. The Lord has a reason for everything I am walking through. And He said He would never put more on us than we can bare. I can win this. With the Lord's help, I most certainly can.
Like I said, this is mainly for me. A reminder that I am more than a conquerer. Devil, you better watch out. Cause I am not playing anymore
I am sick and tired of letting the devil defeat me in so many areas of my life.
I am not alone, nor will I be alone for the rest of my life. I have people who love me and care for and about me. Just because I don't see them everyday, doesn't mean they aren't there.
I am beautiful. No matter what this crazy world may consider to be beautiful, I am beautiful. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. The Lord created me to be me. Weird quirks and all.
I refuse to allow the devil to lie to me anymore.
I refuse to be depressed or sad or let my emotions and feelings determine my attitude.
I am blessed beyond measure. No matter what my financial situation may be currently, I am blessed. I have a beautiful home, clothes on my back, and I definitely ain't hurting for food! (haha!)
The Lord is my strength. I will not be defeated. Right now, I may be a little wounded in battle, but the battle isn't over yet. I'm ready to fight now. I want to fight back and hard. The Lord has a reason for everything I am walking through. And He said He would never put more on us than we can bare. I can win this. With the Lord's help, I most certainly can.
Like I said, this is mainly for me. A reminder that I am more than a conquerer. Devil, you better watch out. Cause I am not playing anymore
Monday, July 21, 2008
learning process.
I find myself in a place I've never been before. A place that is so unfamilar, that it hurts. An no matter how hard I fight to get out of this place, I'm still here. After many tears and many words with the Lord, I finally realized something last night. The Lord is obviously trying to teach me something. If I would just sit still and stop complaining about how bad my life is(or at least I think so), I could get through this hard process a little faster. Sometimes we spend so much time telling the Lord what we need and what we want, that we miss out on what He's trying to say to us.
The Lord knows our hearts. He knows what our innermost desires are. And because we are His children, He wants to give us our desires. But in His time frame, not ours. As humans we want everything here and now and no wait time. Its our culture to want everything quickly. Food, driving time, even times with the Lord. But its in the waiting process that you really learn from the Lord. You are able to hear His voice and really learn to love and be loved by your Father.
This is a kind of declaration for me. I don't want to hate the spot that I'm in. I want to learn as much as I can during this time so that I can help others in the future who may walk through the same things I am right now. The Lord gives us the amount of strength that we need to face the trials in our life. I am right where the Lord wants me to be, give or take some mistakes that I've made, but I know the Lord has me here. He is trying to teach me something and I would much rather stop and try to learn from Him then fight anymore.
If you find yourself in a tough spot, a place you would love to get out of, just take a minute to stop and listen. The Lord is right in the midst of it all trying to teach you something. What you learn during this time is vital to who you will become.
The Lord knows our hearts. He knows what our innermost desires are. And because we are His children, He wants to give us our desires. But in His time frame, not ours. As humans we want everything here and now and no wait time. Its our culture to want everything quickly. Food, driving time, even times with the Lord. But its in the waiting process that you really learn from the Lord. You are able to hear His voice and really learn to love and be loved by your Father.
This is a kind of declaration for me. I don't want to hate the spot that I'm in. I want to learn as much as I can during this time so that I can help others in the future who may walk through the same things I am right now. The Lord gives us the amount of strength that we need to face the trials in our life. I am right where the Lord wants me to be, give or take some mistakes that I've made, but I know the Lord has me here. He is trying to teach me something and I would much rather stop and try to learn from Him then fight anymore.
If you find yourself in a tough spot, a place you would love to get out of, just take a minute to stop and listen. The Lord is right in the midst of it all trying to teach you something. What you learn during this time is vital to who you will become.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Love. We all want it and we all need it. Some give love away to easily while others hold onto it for dear life. Some people fall in love early on in life, while others must wait longer. Through it all though, we sometimes forget the true giver of love. The lover of our souls. He is what love really is.
Many of us seek a tangible love. Something we can see and feel everyday. And during the seeking process, we forget our original love. The Lord loves us each so much that He gave His one and ONLY Son for us! (John 3:16). I know that we've all heard it in Sunday School, but hearing and believing are completely different. Before we are able to be loved by another human, we have to understand our Father's love for us. Its so deep and wide that being loved by another person doesn't even compare.
I find myself wanting to find love as most girls my age do. Its just that time where everyone around me is either dating, engaged or married. Its not a bad thing to wish for these things, but when my focus is more on a man's love than God's love, things begin to get blurry. My best friend really helped me understand what I was doing wrong. I have to understand the Lord's love for me before I will ever be able to love and be loved by a man. I have to be so in love with the Lord and complete in Him that if I'm never in another relationship with a man, my relationship with the Lord will fufill everything that I need.
I choose to fall back in love with my Father, the Lover of my soul. His love will never change or fade and He will never fail me.
Many of us seek a tangible love. Something we can see and feel everyday. And during the seeking process, we forget our original love. The Lord loves us each so much that He gave His one and ONLY Son for us! (John 3:16). I know that we've all heard it in Sunday School, but hearing and believing are completely different. Before we are able to be loved by another human, we have to understand our Father's love for us. Its so deep and wide that being loved by another person doesn't even compare.
I find myself wanting to find love as most girls my age do. Its just that time where everyone around me is either dating, engaged or married. Its not a bad thing to wish for these things, but when my focus is more on a man's love than God's love, things begin to get blurry. My best friend really helped me understand what I was doing wrong. I have to understand the Lord's love for me before I will ever be able to love and be loved by a man. I have to be so in love with the Lord and complete in Him that if I'm never in another relationship with a man, my relationship with the Lord will fufill everything that I need.
I choose to fall back in love with my Father, the Lover of my soul. His love will never change or fade and He will never fail me.
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