About Me

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I feel like my life is ever changing. I am in a place in my life where the sky is the limit. I know that the Lord has a perfect plan and design for my life and I am walking into that season. I am finally finished with school (Masters in PR) and I have no plans to ever return. God is up to something in my life and I am so excited!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

life right now.

Well, its the middle of August. How weird. This year is seriously flying right by! I am almost finished my first grad class. All my friends that are still at Lee are getting back into town. Its still weird to me to live in Cleveland and not be going back to Lee. I miss it a lot lately. But I'm excited about what is to come in my life in the next few months.

I am having to trust God again for a job. I am almost in the exact place that I was in January when I first moved back. I am having to trust God again for the same things. I, along with some of my friends, seem to be walking through a wilderness in my life. I want to come out of it, but there is a reason that I'm still here. The Lord has been teaching me things over the past 8 months, but there are certain lessons that I've been really stubborn to learn. I don't want to take for granted what the Lord is trying to do in my life right now. This is a time of preparation for what the Lord has me to do in the future. I can't continue to miss what He is trying to tell me right now.

I'm sure some of you reading this may be walking through the wilderness too. And it can be such a frustrating time because its like you're going no where. When we feel like that, the Lord is still doing things in us that we can't see. Don't despise this time. Try to look at the situation with spiritual eyes, not the flesh. The Lord will bring you out of the wilderness. The time we spend there is dependent upon how quickly we allow the Lord to teach us.