About Me

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I feel like my life is ever changing. I am in a place in my life where the sky is the limit. I know that the Lord has a perfect plan and design for my life and I am walking into that season. I am finally finished with school (Masters in PR) and I have no plans to ever return. God is up to something in my life and I am so excited!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

"If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great."

It's not always easy to take the hard road. When the Lord challenges us to move to a new place in our life, its called a challenge for a reason. I can't really explain in words how I have been feeling lately. Its an uncomfortable feeling. I feel like the Lord is trying to make a shift in my life but its been really hard for me. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm making it difficult for God to get through to me. I want so badly to be in the Lord's will. I have so many dreams and aspirations and I truly believe the Lord gave me certain passions and desires for a reason. Its my calling. Its my life.

I feel that the title of this blog really says it all. (Which was inspired by a good friend of mine) If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. Its the hard that makes it great! I know that when I get to the end of this season of my life, I will look back and appreciate the lessons that the Lord taught me. Even though some were taught while I was kicking and screaming.

I don't want to take the easy road, ya know? I want to know that when its all said and done, I did everything I could. I challenged myself. I took the narrow path as opposed to the wide.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

hello blog world. its been a few months since I've blogged, so I decided to go ahead and post today. There isn't really much going on right now. I just go to work everyday, come home, go to the gym and then hang out until bedtime. I really need to find a hobby or something else to occupy my time other than napping! haha!

I did join the choir at the church I'm attending here in Baltimore. You should be proud. :) It was a big step. I really do want to get involved though as much as I can. I think thats what I'm missing so much from being in Cleveland. I was constantly doing something, all the time. But since I've been home, I haven't done much of anything! Oh well. Hopefully that will all change soon.

Colby is coming to visit this weekend. He is interviewing for the Youth Pastor job at the church I attend here in Baltimore. It should be a good and eventful weekend. I'm also getting my hair done on Saturday...and I am so excited! I love getting my hair did! ha!

Hmm...what else is going on? Kim is coming to visit in a few weeks! So that will be fun! And I am making plans to go see Tiff very soon! Its been too long! i miss her a whole lot! Chelsea starts high school on Monday which is SO weird! I've been out of high school for 6 years...yeesh I'm old! haha! Tomorrow night is freshman orientation and I'm taking her since our parents are out of town for vacation.

I only have 3 more grad classes left and I will have a Masters degree. Its so exciting and crazy at the same time. Who would've thought I would get my Masters?! I just can't wait to use it and start my own company!! Hopefully 2010 will be a great year for new beginnings!! I can't wait!

Well, I think thats all. If anything exciting happens, I will blog again!

give someone a hug today :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

One step closer.

Do people blog everyday? Ha! I'm not really sure. My life isn't all that interesting to blog everyday. Today is Tuesday, woo hoo! Just a few days closer to the weekend. :)

I had a great weekend! Friday I relaxed and spent the evening at home, Saturday I had a baby shower for Miranda at my house and Sunday I had Tyler's graduation party to go to. Lots of parties, lots of friends/family, and lots of great times!

I have a drive lately to really strive in my calling and my future goals. I know that God has something in store for my life and I don't want to sit still and become complacent while waiting for everything to come to pass. I am eager to go to the Women's conference in FL in about a week or so. I know that the Lord has wonderful things in store for all of us during the weekend. I am expecting a life changing moment in my own life. I have begun to prepare myself for that weekend already!

I only have 4 more classes left in my Masters! Its so exciting! I can't believe how fast it has flown by. I must admit, I've slacked some in this class that I'm currently in...but I have started to kick my own butt. :)

Well, I think thats all the up-to-date information in my current life.

Life is ever changing. I know that I may not be where I want to be today, but I am one step closer than I was yesterday.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My New Season.

Well, I haven't blogged in some time. I am no longer living in Cleveland but now I am back home in Maryland for a season. I've been home for about 2 months now, but it hasn't been a walk in the park.

I love my family and I am so thankful that I am able to be around them everyday because I haven't been in home in nearly 5 years. Its a transition though, like any location change would be. I have to get used to living with my parents again and have certain rules I must follow by being under their roof once again. 

Being home has been hard in more ways then one. I miss my church terribly and I miss all my friends as well. When you leave a place and come back after 5 years, you can't expect it not to change, ya know? I've had lonely days and I've had really great days. I've had times where I've been on the mountain top with the Lord and I've had days where I am in the bottom of the pit with the devil. 

I had two pretty down days last week and I allowed the devil to defeat me. But Saturday night, I started doing my devotion again in the Beth Moore book, "Get out of that Pit" and wow did God do a number on me that night?! I was reading a chapter about when you slip into a pit yourself and God just blew my mind. He revealed so much stuff to me and really encouraged me! I truly believe that I am changed. I went to church Sunday morning, and I believe that I found the church of my home season. Ironically, its the church that I was baptized in as a child. (Oh, the ways of the Lord.)

I'm not saying that I will never have another down day in this season. I just feel as if I've gotten over one hurdle in this journey so far. (With many more to go I'm sure...) God is faithful. I am forever grateful for His love, mercy, and faithfulness to me. Even the times that I didn't deserve any of it.

I'm hopefully going to keep up this blog to show the transition and my season.

Psalms 42:5

Sunday, January 4, 2009

new year. new start.

Well, I am back in the USA. I spent the last week traveling throughout London and Ireland with two of my very best friends. It was a great experience. Seeing places and things I've never seen before, experiencing a different way of life, and loving it all. Its definitely good to be home though. It helps me to learn to appreciate the little things, like ice for example. haha!

But seriously, I have come home to a new year. I can't believe its 2009 already! So crazy! This year I have new plans for my life. I know every year people make resolutions for the year and they hardly ever keep them. I fall into that category as well, but I really want this year to be different. This morning my Pastor spoke about carrying the presence of the Lord with us everywhere we go and really being hungry for it everyday this year. This is where I want to be as well. 2009 is going to bring new things for me. I am going to be successful and draw closer to the Lord everyday.  I am ready for a new start and a new view of my life. I want more compassion, more love for the Lord and people, and I want to serve others even more.

I am ready for something new as well as a new me. What about you?